Here's Why Lighting a Match Eliminates Poop Smell

Here’s Why Lighting a Match Eliminates Poop Smell

There are a lot of products out there that claim to completely eliminate odors from all sorts of things.

Some of them can be pretty effective. We all have a few items in the home that have an odor we just can’t get rid of, so we try to cover it up with another smell.

It’s a decent plan, but there’s a better way to deal with smells: you’ll find out how below.

In case you’re wondering why people are lighting matches near their toilets, read on and find out what this is all about!

Believe it or not, this really works, but not the way you think it does.

Here’s Why Lighting a Match Eliminates Poop Smell

The smell of feces comes mainly from trace amounts of chemicals like Hydrogen Sulfide (which is also in skunks spray), Dimethyl Sulfide, Methanethiol, and Dimethyl Disulfide. When you light a match, it creates Sulfur Dioxide, which binds to the hydrogen sulfide in the air and temporarily prevents you from being able to smell it.

This process happens much more quickly than if you just let the gas clear out naturally.

The smell-causing volatile sulfur compounds are still present in your poop, but they just can’t be smelled over the smell of sulfur dioxide.

Once this gas clears out of the air, the stench returns.

If you light a match and then immediately blow it out, you will have effectively eliminated most of the poop smell from your bathroom for up to about 30 minutes.

It is a common misconception that sulfur dioxide has no smell, but it does actually have a very distinct smell that most people describe as “a burnt match.”

Lighting a Match Can Mask all Sorts of Smells

While these tips are especially helpful when it comes to toilets, remember that you can use them for all sorts of odors.

If you accidentally leave something smelly outside overnight or just need to get rid of lingering smells before guests arrive, simply light a match and allow its smell to mask the other one!

Lighting a match is especially helpful for masking these odors:

  • Poop
  • Urine or feces stains
  • Garbage
  • Mold in the fridge or freezer
  • Skunk spray
  • Bad breath
  • Downright stinky shoes
  • Pet accidents in the carpet

Even if you don’t have any matches available, bleach can be used in place of them with similar results… It always works great at eliminating bad smells.

Although it may be one of the most inexpensive options, there are some downsides to using matches.

Why Lighting Matches Near the Bathroom is Actually Kind of Dangerous:

Many household cleaners contain flammable chemicals, so you could inadvertently cause an explosion while trying to rid your home of noxious smells.

You might also burn yourself when you least expect it. Not to mention that there’s always the threat of burning down your house!

What’s more, is that it should only take about 10 minutes for the sulfur dioxide gas levels to return to normal.

So, if you’re lighting matches constantly throughout that period, then what are you really accomplishing?

What You Should do to Mask Poop Smell

The good news is that any toilet cleaner or deodorizer will work just as well as lighting a match… including bleach, which can be especially useful when cleaning around toilets where germs are most likely present.

– Bleach

Bleach works great because it cuts through almost all odors while killing germs at the same time.

You can either mix it with water and use it as a spray, or you can pour it straight into your tank if you have an older toilet.

Either way, using bleach is just as good as, if not even better than lighting a match when trying to rid yourself of bad smells.

It’s best to do this before you go to bed, so that the smell has all night to dissipate.

Just remember that this will only work on fairly new toilets; if yours hasn’t been cleaned out for several years, nothing short of digging it up and throwing it in the trash will completely get rid of the odor!

The reason why your old toilet won’t be affected by these tips is that there are typically leaks inside, meaning bacteria can grow inside your tank, eventually breaking down the material it’s made out of.

If you have bacteria in your tank, you’ll notice that there is a ring around the bowl, mold growing on the tank itself, or even residue inside.

– Incense

Incense is a natural, organic alternative to bleach that is safe for people and pets.

If you’re not a fan of the smell of bleach but are still looking to mask the smell of poop, then this is exactly what you want to use.

Simply put it in your WC or spread the fumes around the entire bathroom. Not only will it help keep smells at bay, but it also works great as an air freshener!  

There are also some very beautiful waterfall incense holders like this one Amazon. They’re made of and come in a variety of styles.

You can also use these to burn incense cones, which many people prefer because they don’t leave behind any ashes.

Pro Tips:

  • For Cone Incense: Lightly sprinkle the cone with water until moist but not too wet. Then place it into the burner and allow it to dry completely before lighting the tip with a match. 
  • For Stick Incense: Break off one end of your stick and light that end with a match, then stand back as the entire stick begins to flame up! (Just be careful not to set anything on fire!)
  • Never open your toilet lid when you’re burning incense, and always keep a fire extinguisher nearby just in case! 

If you’re trying to cut down on the amount of harsh chemicals in your home, then Incense may be exactly what you want to use… especially if your toilet needs a little extra help.

So, there’s no need to light a match next time you have an accident!

Skip the warning signs and opt for something safe and effective instead!

– Scented Candles

Scented candles are another one of the most versatile air fresheners you can use. 

Whether you place them near an entryway or in your bathroom, they’ll be rid of any bad smells before they have a chance to annoy your guests!

They’re often affordable and will last for months at a time; check out the ones I use; they have an incredible burn time of 50 hours and smell like apples, mixed with pear, bergamot, a hint of orange zest, and other incredible notes.

The scents available on the market range from fruity to spicy, so there’s sure to be something everyone will enjoy.

Plus, if people notice that they smell nice when you welcome them into your home, it could even give off the impression that you clean more often than you actually do… which is always helpful when trying to sell your house later down the line.

– Air Fresheners

You can actually use air fresheners that come in aerosol cans to mask smelly smells, and they’re even easier to find than matches, but it’s best not to use them around an open flame as the chemicals may react.

Just spray them all over the bathroom after you’ve used your preferred method of cleaning your toilet… be it bleach or something else. You’ll notice immediate improvement!

A lot of people think that using an air freshener is similar to lighting a match, but it’s actually safer and more effective… plus, it will make your guests feel much better about coming over!

There are various scents available, so don’t be afraid to experiment. By doing so, you’ll find out what works best for your home!

The best one I found is made by Angry Orange. It’s made from natural ingredients and covers even the strongest smells, thanks to its strong citrus smell.

If none of this works for you, you may want to consider buying a candle or some incense. Or finding another bathroom in which to poop until the smell clears up.

They’re relatively cheap and will definitely work better than matches in most cases.

Bottom Line on Why Lighting a Match Gets Rid of Poop Smell

When you light a match, the heat causes the sulfur present in the match head to react with oxygen in the air and create sulfur dioxide, a compound that can mask the smell of feces and flatulence. The smell of Sulfur Dioxide is stronger than that of poop, and is often perceived as more pleasant.

Sulfur Dioxide is also highly reactive, and binds with (and thus deodorizes) hydrogen sulfide molecules, which are responsible for the smell of things like sulfur and feces. This compound is called Hydrogen Sulfide and is present in sewage and other waste material.

So, there you have it!

Keep your bathroom smelling fresh with the help of bleach or incense, or just purchase some scented candles for all-around use.

No matter what method you choose to rid yourself of stinky smells, you’ll be surprised at how easy this is!


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